Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Average Girl Says Too Much

As an average child, my mother taught me the lesson that "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." When did I suddenly unlearn that average lesson?! I've noticed over the past few years I've become more of a gossip and being more critical of others (well vocally anyhow, I use to just keep it to myself more). One minute I'm just sitting back minding my own business and then next thing I know, I open my mouth and criticisms just starts spewing out! I can't seem to stop myself! Is this a side effect of be becoming a bitter young woman due to the lack of an exciting love life? Or maybe it's just a matter of wanting to connect with others and so I think they will except me more if I join in on the gossip about others? Or is it just that I really am a bad person that is overly critical of others? I'm really not all that fond of any of these options as I see myself as friendly, helpful person and not as a "mean girl." Ok, wait, I think I might have just figured it out; I am a friendly, helpful person that just needs to get laid more! Ericka, I’ve solved my problem!

Hahaha, ok so maybe that’s not it, but what is it then?

Recently I decided I needed to make a change in my behaviors and it just happened to be about the same time as the beginning of Lent. So this year for Lent, I'm taking on the challenge of being less vocally critical of others. I believe that it is human nature to be critical of others but it's up to us in how we handle the situations that cause us to vent to others about our coworkers, neighbors, loved ones, the guy in front of you in the checkout line at the groceries store, the woman doing her makeup at the red light when it turns green, or OH my favorite is the guy that calls you at work and tells you how horrible you're doing your job when in reality its him that didn't do his job right! ARRRGGGG! People are so dumb!!!!

A former coworker gave me (and several other people sitting near us) a sign that says "Shhh...I'm hiding from stupid people." Google search it, the image will make you laugh. But should I be laughing at this? Hmmmm…

There are some people that just amaze me in how nice, positive and unjudgmental they are. I asked one coworker the other day "how do you do it?" She's by far one of the nicest people you will ever meet and I've never once heard her say anything negative about anyone else. Her response was "I have my faith." So simple, faith. Now, I have my own faith but I'm not going to start preaching here. Instead, I challenge myself and you to think about what makes us a better person. I know that I'm a better person when I start doing things for others and feel that I have been helpful in some way. It gives me a sense of good karma, that I've done something positive for someone else that will hopefully come back to bless me later in life.
Karma, I think that is where I’ll start. I’ve tried giving up venting cold turkey and it actually made me more angry and hostile. I need to find a way to put more good karma out into the world and hopefully with that, I will start thinking more positively which will in turn make me less likely to talk smack about others. Wish me luck and let me know if you have any suggestions or good karma stories!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life, Coming and Going

Recently my life and emotions have been on a total roller coaster. In the past week our team at work has buried an amazing man that taught us all how to live with such grace and today we celebrated the birth of such a precious bundle of bliss.

My coworker that passed way after a long battle with cancer is finally at peace and now we celebrate how incredible his life was. On first impressions, he was just and average man, living the average life of trying to find the right mix of work and family time. As I got to know him better I began to see how positive he always was even on the days that he struggled with his disease the most. I don’t recall ever hearing him utter a single negative word about anyone or anything. In his final days, I learned more about his family and his life before he joined our team. This man was anything but average, if he's average then I've got even higher hopes that there really is a lot of good in this world! Over 30 years ago he saved a life by running into a burning house and pulling a woman out. He spent the next 27 years a volunteer fire fighter. He worked long hours running a family business and became a prominent figure in the community. His heart was always into helping others without boasting or selfishness. We can all learn from this extraordinary man and do what we can to put more positivity and compassion into all that we do.

After the sorrow last week, it was a refreshing feeling to smile and coo over the birth of another coworker’s baby. We all felt like we were a part of this babies life already and all rejoiced like we were bonified aunts and uncles. At the hospital tonight, I held that little wonder tight in my arms and my heart warmed up so much. I have been feeling so blue lately that being reminded of the simple joys in life really was what I needed. Looking into those big eyes reminded me of how much love I have to give and how much pleasure I get in taking care of others.

Tonight I finally returned to my blog because a friend blogged about changes he's making in his life and the struggles he’s gone through to make the choices he has. I couldn't help but sigh a little when I read my last post about how I was ready to focus me and follow my career path. Here I am over a year later and I haven't gotten far...I'm still single and still in the same job. Granted, I have made strides in my life and worked on building my resume, but it feels like I still have a long ways to go.

It’s weeks like this that I really start evaluating my own life. Am I really where I want to be? Doing what I want to do? Being the person I can respect? With saying good bye to my coworker, I started realizing that I really need to start moving more on my goals again. It's time for me to find meaning in my life and find some way to be at least a little less...average!